Our story


The service was formed in 1991, as a response of 10 churches in Cardiff to the emotional, mental and spiritual needs of people in the city and a recognition of the need for a free service offering support to anyone in need. Since its inception, Cardiff Concern has helped thousands of people work through issues such as depression, anger management, relationship/marital issues, sexual abuse, sexual addiction, bereavement, low self-esteem, stress, debt and much more.

By spending time with people in a non-judgemental or confrontational way, we have made a difference to individuals and families that have come to us for help, and empowered them to carve a more more positive future.

We receive referrals from individuals as well as GPs, hospitals, health and social workers, churches and past clients. Many people referred to us have no faith. Some clients are of other faiths. This reiterates how respectful we are of people and our desire to help people regardless of their situations or backgrounds.